100% Offline CALIFORNIA Map with POI database.
Our California offline road map (route map) primarily displays roads and transport links rather than natural geographical information. Offline California road map also shows non-automotive tourist routes, and more detailed area around the cities: San Francisco, Sacramento, Oakland, San Jose, Bakersfield, LA - Los Angeles, San Diego.
You can use this map without data roaming, WIFI Connection, any adverts and hidden costs!
- complete offline map with GPS geolocation (100% offline)
- currency converter: euro, british pound, US dollar, chinese Youan, Japanese Yen, Korean Won, Rupee, Russian Ruble (offline)
- Phrase Book (Tourist dictionary)
- multilingual interface
- hotels deals (online module)
- Things to do & trips
- POI finder (like: hotels, parkings, restaurants, gas stations)
10 LANGUAGES supported:
english, german, french, russian, korean, portuguese, spanish, japanese, italian, chinese